Boutique Investigative Consulting Firm

Ninette Toosbuy

"Uncovering the truth is achieved by an open mind, honest curiosity, and clever inquiry."

Ninette Toosbuy

Investigating the truth for over 25 years.

Headquartered in Los Angeles with availability to travel across the globe or virtual consultancy, our firm specializes in Corporate Investigations; Subject Matter Expert (SME) testimony for Prosecutors and Private Counsel on Police Interview & Interrogation Practices, Police Communications, and Sex Crimes Investigations; Technical Advising for Writers, Television and Film; Group and Individual Coaching on Communications Practices.

Whether you’re a defense attorney, a prosecutor, CEO, business founder, law enforcement professional, educator, writer, or individual we will provide you and your team with professional services that will deliver a clear and definitive understanding for your situation along with a strategy on how to proceed.


Los Angeles, CA

Worldwide & Virtual Consulting Available

Areas of Practice

Police Investigative Interview Reform Expert

How can you fix it if you don’t know it? That is the question Toosbuy presents to law enforcement leaders who want to reform police interview and interrogation practices within their agencies. Training the practitioners is not enough to ensure best practices are followed. Like every other area of law enforcement, policies and procedures must be implemented. To ensure these practices are properly followed, supervisors must know how to recognize bad practices or violations of policies. Without such mechanisms, there is no accountability or assurance that the practitioners comply with their agency's expectations. 


At the heart of our practice is the art of investigative interviewing. We use Science-Based Investigative Interviewing to solicit reliable information from reporting parties, witnesses, and the accused without the use of accusation or confrontation. To “get to the truth,” we apply Tell, Explain, and Describe (T.E.D.), carefully crafted open dialogue rather than closed-ended questions, identity Escape Routes deceptive people are likely to use, Interpersonal Deception Theory, coupled with decades worth of experience of understanding the psychological impact of deception on the cognitive load. 

Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Does your defense need a subject matter expert (SME) who can speak to whether a confession is unreliable because of the techniques used during the interrogation? Does the prosecutor need expert testimony on the validity of a confession? With over 25 years of experience, Toosbuy Consulting has seen both ends of the spectrum and can provide a fair, honest, and comprehensive assessment of your case.

Get in Touch

All submissions are confidential and handled internally. Our goal is to respond to all submissions we receive within 24 hours.